Dec 29, 2010

Before Grandma leaves to go back home...

Christmas Morning....

I think the kids did alright!
Makai trying on Mr.Potatoe heads glasses...

All most done.
Laila finally found her guitar... why does she want this?

Dec 21, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Moss Family

Makai this morning

Makai hanging out on the stair getting ready to go to my friend Jill's house. Oh yeah and eatting an ice cream cone... note it is 9:30 am

Makai Jammin' out at Jill's on her Baby baby Grand...

Dec 17, 2010

MOMS Club Xmas party for the Kids

Angelica and Makai, such great friends... Cheese

PJ Donations for Children's Closet.

Miller Children's Christmas Party

Makai was not a happy camper... only when he realized it was his turn!

Cheese, my little actor!
But now we are happy.