Apr 17, 2010


Wednesday MOMS member meeting, we had a lady come do a demo class of kindermusiq it was OK but she talked too much! Here is a picture of Makai and Angelica before we started... they have a such a great friendship... They well be sooo embarrassed when they get older.

Where does the time go?

It seems like forever since I last posted. After our trip to CT, it was still spring break and then I had a craft show to prepare for. Just this crazy life we have... always something to do or something due. Last night Al asked me to Volunteer on his board for NBMBA. Really I am all volunteered out! lol It would be just one more due date to work towards and stress about.

So back to fun the things in life tonight Laila has her first Father/Daughter dance which I'm so excited about. They asked me to take paparazzi pictures which makes me so happy that way I can get great pictures of them!!! :) Which of course I will post! Hopefully tomorrow.

Trip to CT during Easter.

Laila directing Kareem.

The BOYS doing me a favor and taking a picture together.

Musical Chairs which I won... cause I always have to win!!!! lol

And Marcus trying to light is candles.